Open Doors - 2020
In the last 10 years, we have organized “Open Doors”, like a family event, in which we used to invite those who are close to us, to celebrate togheter our results and successes.
We will mark this event in 2020, in a smaller organizational framework, different from the previous years, imposed by the specific conditions of this current period.
In compensation, the year 2020 offers us a broader framework of significance and importance, in terms of the efforts we have done, to finish our strategic projects, important for us and for our clients.
In 2020, ELJ Automotive team have passed the 3 tests of the crisis: responsabilty, resilience, continuity.
Throughout this period, we have been in the front line, responsible and confident, with a hopeful view to our future.
The year 2020 will remain for us a year of Open Doors to the Future.
Strategic projects in a crisis period
Project developer. When we are entrusted with a new project, we can be nominated, in addition to injection of plastic parts, and for the technologization and development of these parts, as well as for the execution of injection molds.
This is also the case of a new project, in the automotive industry, of one of our largest customers, for which we had to develop over 60 molds, for a wide variety of car parts and components, counting more than 130 distinct parts, such as interior parts, exterior parts and underhood parts.
100% Romanian participation. We chose to work on this project with Romanian suppliers, for the development and technologization of the parts, for the realization of the parts’ validation tests, for the execution of the molds.
It was a project in project, ambitious and challenging for everyone, through which we put at work both our competencies and capabilities and those of our suppliers.
Continuity in times of crisis. Moreover, the development period of this project overlapped with one of the greatest crises known in recent decades, which made this project even more challenging in its whole.
In a year of unpreceding crisis and for which we were not prepared in any way, this project was defined as strategic one by our client and we had to ensure the continuity of the development of this project, to meet the proposed objectives.
On top of this, perhaps the biggest challenge of this period was testing the resilience of all these companies and their people, who participated in this project, in the front line, with responsibility and confidence, for its timely completion.
A new signification
Doors Open to the Future. The year 2020 challenged us to experience the effectiveness and efficiency of working in the online environment, within and between virtual teams, as we have never done before.
We have communicated mostly online, worked and made decisions online, participated in online events.
It is also the reason why we mark the Open Gates 2020 by launching and promoting 3 online communication gates through which ELJ Automotive addresses our employees, customers and friends:
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We remain responsible and confident, looking hopefully through Open Doors to the Future.
© 2025 ELJ Automotive